
‘Promoting Mental Health and Health of Asian Immigrants through a Cultural Movement Intervention’, Huang, C. Y., Zane, N., Hunter, L., Vang, L., Apeosa-Varano, E. C., & Joseph, J. (Journal of Counseling Psychology spring 2022).

‘Attending to the Glitch: Rabih Mroué in interview with Lynette Hunter’, Alex Lichtenfels et al eds, Co-Presence with a Camera, Performance Matters 6:1 (June, 2020) 211-32.

‘Editors Preface’, Lynette Hunter, Alex Lichtenfels, Heather Nolan, John Zibell eds, Co-Presence with a Camera, Performance Matters 6:1 (June, 2020) 1-3.

‘Not-Saying What you Mean: Laurent Pernot, L’Art du Sous-Entendu, Paris: Fayard, 2018’ in Advances in the History of Rhetoric 2019.

‘Performing Literatures: Handling the text’, with Ilya Noé, Performance Research Journal: Centennial Issue. 100 (December 2018) 50/50.

‘Affective Politics in Álvaro Hernández’ Chairs….’, trans. Alvaro Hernandez. Corpo-Graphias 6 (October, 2018) 16-36.

‘Promoting Mental Health and Health of Asian Immigrants through a Cultural Movement Intervention’, Huang, C. Y., Zane, N., Hunter, L., Vang, L., Apeosa-Varano, E. C., & Joseph, J. Forthcoming.

‘Naming and Calling: Missing words’, On Names, Performance Research, 22:6 (2017), 121-3.

‘Friendship, Temperance and the Probable’ Rhetorica, 35:2 (2017) 189-227.

‘Listening to Writing: Performativity in Strategies Developed by Learning from Indigenous Yukon Discourse’ Journal of Canadian Studies 50:1 (Winter 2016) 36-69

‘Ethics, performativity, and gender: porous and expansive concepts of selving in the performance work of Gretchen Jude and of Nicole Peisl’, Palgrave Communications 2: Theatre and Performance Studies with Sociology (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016)

‘Being in-between: Performance studies and processes for sustaining interdisciplinarity’, Cogent Arts & Humanities (Taylor and Francis, 2015), 2: 1124481. pp.1-15.

‘Turbulent Rhetorics in Keith Hennessy’s Turbulence: A Dance About the Economy’, Performance Research 19:5 (2014) 47-53.

‘Winning, Losing, and Wandering Play: Zhuangzian Paradox and Daoist Practice’, with Richard Schubert, Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies 5 (Summer 2014) pages: 23.

‘Scoring Daoist Energy: A Rhetoric of Collaboration’, Journal of Daoist Studies 5, (2012), pp.153-168, with Dylan Bolles.

‘The Art of Play: Lishi, Contemporary Dance, and Cricket’, Moving Worlds 12.1, (2012), pp. 91-102.

‘Performatics’, in On Performatics: Performance Research, (2008), p.7.

‘Describing Performance’, in bp Nichol, ed. L. Emerson, Open Letter 13.5, (2008), pp. 115-32.

‘Practice as Research Elements in the PhD’, Selected Essays in the Proceedings of the 2006 International Symposium of Drama School Directors, ed W. Sun (Shanghai 2007), pp. 93-100 in English, pp. 101-107 in Chinese.

‘Adaptation and/or Revision in early quartos of Romeo and Juliet, Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 100:1 New Series (Winter 2007), pp. 1-42.

‘Editors’ Forum’, with Janelle Reinelt et al., Theatre Survey, 47:2 (November, 2006), pp. 169-173.

‘Daphne Marlatt’s Poetics: What is an Honest Man? and Can There Be an Honest Woman?’, Open Letter 12:8 (Winter 2006), pp. 143-68.

‘Equality and Difference: Storytelling in Nunavut, 2000’, International Journal of Canadian Studies, (Fall 2005), pp. 51-81.

‘Echolocation, Figuration and Tellings: Rhetorical strategies in Romeo and Juliet, Language and Poetry, 14:3 (July 2005), pp. 259-78.

‘Negotiations between text and stage in Romeo and Juliet‘, with Peter Lichtenfels, Shakespeare Bulletin, 22:2 (Summer 2004), pp. 5-26.

‘The Rhetoric and Reality of Codes’, The New Academy Review, 1:1 (Spring 2002), pp. 29-36.

‘Listening to Situated Textuality: Working on Differentiated Public Voices’, Feminist Theory, Special Issue: Gendering Ethics/ The Ethics of Gender, eds L. Hogan and S. Roseneil, 2:2 (August 2001), pp. 205-218.

‘The Dating of Q4 Romeo and Juliet Revisited’, The Library, 7th Ser, 2:3 (Sept 2001), pp. 281-5.

‘Labour Notes’, with Susan Rudy, Open Letter, 10:8 (Spring 2000), pp. 94-104.

‘Science: An epitome of democratic politics’,Technostyle, 16:1 (Winter 2000), pp. 188-195.

‘Considering Issues of Rhetoric and Violence’, parallax, 14 (April-June 2000), pp. 2-8.

‘The Socialisation of Context : Methodologies for Hypertext’, History and Computing 10:1-3 (1999), pp. 124-131.

‘Introduction to Critiques of Knowing’, parallax, 5:2 (1999), pp. 121-127.

‘Tea Drinking in England: Ceremony, Scandal and Domestic Bliss’, New Comparison, 24, (Autumn 1997), pp. 108-157. Nominated for the Sophie Coe prize 1999.

‘Kathy Eden, Hermeneutics and the Rhetorical Tradition: Chapters in the Ancient Legacy and Its Humanist Reception’, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 29:4 (Fall 1999), pp. 105-6.

‘Living Together: Critical Writing by Women in Canada 1994-1999’, International Journal of Canadian Studies/ Revue international d’études canadiennes, 20 (1999), pp. 232-256. L. Hunter: 232-244, S. Rudy 244-255.

‘Learning to Read Writing from Non-Ruling Relations of Power’, Zeitschrift fur Kanada-Studien, 18:1, eds. U. Kempf and R. Nischik (Augsburg: Verlag Dr. Wisner, 1998), pp. 114-128.

‘Exploring the Cybertext: Literary Criticism and the Reader’, Convergence: The Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 4:3 (Autumn 1998), pp. 100-102.

Naomi Zack, Bachelors of Science: Seventeenth Century Identity, Philadelphia, 1996; and Linda Lopez McAlister, ed., Hypatia’s Daughters: Fifteen Hundred Years of Women Philosophers, Bloomington, 1996, in Gender and History, 10:2 (August 1998), pp. 322-4.

‘The Puppeteer. Being Wedded to the Text’, Open Letter: Kroetsch at Niederbron, 9th Series, 5-6 (Spring-Summer 1996), pp. 199-218.

‘Ideology as the Ethos of the Nation State’, Rhetorica XIV:2 (Spring, 1996), pp. 197-229.

‘The Study of Modern Manuscripts’, review, Modern Languages Review, 90:1 (1995), pp. 169-70.

‘Artificial Intelligence and Representation: Problems of Legitimation’, Artificial Intelligence and Society, 7 (1993), pp. 185-207.

‘After Modernism, Alternative Voices: D. Brand, C. Harris, M. Philip’, University of Toronto Quarterly, 62:2 (1992/3), pp. 256-281.

‘Recognitions: Chaos, Consolation and Choice’, Rhetorica, IX:1, (Winter 1991), pp. 93-100.

‘Remember Frankenstein: Rhetoric and Artificial Intelligence’, Rhetorica, IX:4 (Autumn 1991) pp. 35-57.

‘Bibliography of Jane Grigson’s Published Books’, L. Hunter, I. Holland, G. Stoneham, Petits Propos Culinaires, 38 (1991), pp. 1-21.

‘Fact-Information-Data-Knowledge’, Journal of Literary and Linguistic Computing 5:1 (1990), pp. 49-57.

‘Textual Criticism Since Greg’, Modern Languages Review, 85:4 (1990), pp. 895-6.

‘On Native Ground’, British Journal of Canadian Studies, 5:1 (1990), pp. 141-43.

‘Cookery Books and Provincial Printing in Northern England’, ed. G. Averley, Nineteenth-Century Short Title Catalogue Newsletter, 6 (July 1989), pp. 3-11.

‘Creating Hypertexts with Guide’, Computing in Teaching Initiative Support Service Bulletin, (Dec 1989).

‘Becoming Women’, Canadian Literature, No. 122-3, (Autumn-Winter, 1989), pp. 198-199.

‘Canadian Women’s Writing’, British Journal of Canadian Studies, 2-3 (1988), pp. 313-17.

‘Hypertext Laboratory Information System’, L. Hunter, R. Jones, K. Page, C. Rodgers and P. Moran, St James University Hospital Leeds, (1987).

‘The Autobiography of William Hart, Cooper, 1776-1857’, The London Journal, Part One, (Winter 1981), pp. 144-160; Part Two, (Summer, 1982), pp. 62-75).

‘Some Versions of Narrative’, Bulletin of Canadian Studies, (April 1981), pp. 68-78.

‘Cookery Books: A Cabinet of Rare Devices and Conceits’, Petits Propos Culinaires, (May 1980), pp. 19-34.

‘Barrie’s Islands of Fantasy’, Modern Drama, (March 1980), pp. 65-74.

‘J. M. Barrie: The Rejection of Fantasy’, Scottish Literary Studies, (May 1978), pp. 39-52.

‘Form and Energy in the Poetry of Michael Ondaatje’, Journal of Canadian Poetry, (February, 1978), pp. 50-70, and Bulletin of the British Association of Canadian Studies, (May 1978), pp. 33-51.

‘A Reading of The Napoleon of Notting Hill’, The Chesterton Review, (Winter/Spring 1976-7), pp. 118-128.

Book Review

Review of: Martin Meisel, Chaos Imagined, Duke University Press, for Theatre Journal, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2016.

Stirring the Pot: A History of African Cuisine, James C McCann, Ohio University Press, 2010. African Studies Bulletin 73 (December 2011), pp. 73-4.