
Published Books (Monograph)

Entre Ensayos y performatividad: Los estudios del performance y la Política de la práctica. Traducción: Maria del Carmen Palau, Álvaro Hernández, Francisco Ramos, María Teresa García, Sonia Castillo Ballen. (Facultad de Artes -ASAB, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, 2021). Translation and Reprints of six essays on performantivity, practice and politics.

Politics of Practice: A Rhetoric of Performativity, pp. 278 (London and New York: Palgrave, 2019).

Negotiating Shakespeare’s Language in ‘Romeo and Juliet’: Approaches to Reading from Criticism, Editing and the Stage (Ashgate Publishers, 2009), pp. 242. With Peter Lichtenfels.

Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare. A new scholarly edition. (Peter Lichtenfels, co-editor). (Ashgate Publishers, 2009), pp. 693, and romeoandjulietedition.com.

The Letters of Dorothy Moore 1640-1660: The Friendships, Marriage and Intellectual Life of a Seventeenth-Century Woman ed, with introductory essay, pp.1-42 (Ashgate, 2004), pp. 214.

Literary Value and Cultural Power (Manchester University Press, 2001), pp. 216.

Critiques of Knowing: Situated Textualities in Science, Computing and the Arts (London: Routledge, 1999), pp. 238.

Outsider Notes: Feminist Approaches to Canadian Publishing, Writers and Readers, 1960-1990 (Vancouver: Talonbooks, 1996), pp. 312.
Nominated for Governor General’s Award; several reprints of chapters in books of criticism.

Modern Allegory and Fantasy (London: Macmillan, 1989), pp. 215.

Co-authored Books

Creative Writing Strategies for English Studies (Leeds: University of Leeds, 1996), pp. 112. With Rebecca O’Rourke.

The Victorian Periodicals Hypertext (Oxford: CTI Centre for Texts, 1994), pp. 94. With Margaret Beetham et al.

The Bibliography of Nineteenth Century British Cookery Books and Related Domestic Manuals Published in Britain, 1800-1914,Vol. I (London: Prospect Books, 1987), pp. 438. With Dena Attar.

The Bibliography of Nineteenth Century Cookery Books and Related Domestic Manuals Published in Britain,1800-1914, Vol. II (London: Prospect Books, 1989), pp. 738. With Elizabeth Driver.

Edited Books and Journal Issues

Affective Ecologies: Performativity and Sociosituated Embodiment/ Ecologías afectivas: Performatividad y Corporalizaciones sociosituadas, eds Alvaro Hernandez, Lynette Hunter, Juan Cajigas Rotundo. Full issue for Colombian journal Corpo-graphia Volume 6 (October 2018).

Food and Community: Moving Wor(l)ds, ed. L. Hunter (Leeds: University of Leeds, 2006), pp. 204.

Transversal Politics, Special issue of Soundings: A journal of politics and culture No. 12, eds C. Cockburn and L. Hunter (London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1999), pp. 192.

Women, Science and Medicine, 1500-1700, eds. L. Hunter and S. Hutton (Stroud: Sutton Publishing, 1997), pp. 241.

Difference and Community, ed. L. Hunter with P. Easingwood, K. Gross (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1996), pp. 267.

‘Introduction’, in eds. L. Hunter and C. A. Howells, Narrative Strategies in Canadian Literature (Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1991), pp. 1-10.


‘Can a Man be a Woman? Robert Kroetsch’s The Puppeteer’
1994: Universite de Strasbourg (France), Conference in Honour of Robert Kroetsch.
1995: University of Calgary (Canada), Calgary University Art Gallery; University of Western Ontario, London (Canada), Graduate Studies; University of Leeds (UK), Faculty Research.
1996:University of Toronto (Canada), Faculty Research; University of Huddersfield (UK), Graduate Studies.
1997: University of Leeds (UK), Theatre Workshop Graduate Studies.
2001: Warsaw University (Poland).

‘Trying not to be a Tragic Subject: Work by First Nations Writer Lee Maracle’
1995: Universite de Rennes II (France), Conference Autobiographie/Autobiography
1996: University of Nottingham (UK), Conference of the British Association for Canadian Studies (Literature).

‘Cooking the Books: Reading Canadian Women’s Writing’
1996: Oviedo Universidad (Spain), Conference of the European Association for Commonwealth Studies; Calgary University (Canada), Visiting Professor; Trent University, Temagami (Canada), The Idea of North Conference; University of Leeds (UK). Theatre Worshop Graduate Studies.
1997: Beilingries (Germany), Conference of the German Association for Canadian Studies.
2001: Warsaw University (Poland).

‘Bodies in Trouble’
1997: University of Leeds (UK), Conference Women and Texts/ Les Femmes et les Textes.

‘Face-Work: Coming to the End of the Line. A Study in the Poetry of Frank Davey.
1999: University of Leeds (UK), Revisions of Canadian Literature Conference.
2000: University of Leeds (UK), Theatre Workshop Graduate Studies.

‘The Face, the Mask and Classical Tragedy in the Household: The Rhetoric of Masking in Recent Work by Alice Munro.
2003: Université d’Orléans (France) Alice Munro: L’Écriture du Secret; University of Birmingham (UK) American and Canadian Studies special lecture.
2005: University of California Davis, Arts and Humanities faculty presentation.

‘Roget Falls in Love: How Analytical Thought Stops you Thinking (Crossing Margaret Atwood with bpNichol)’
2007: University of Birmingham (UK), Beyond the Book conference.


‘Approaching Practices of Acting Through Daoist Philosophy’, in eds Erika Fischer-Lichte, Torsen Jost, Milos Kosic, Astrid Schenka. Performance Cultures as Epistemic Cultures, Volume I: (Re)Generating Knowledges in Performance (London: Taylor and Francis, 2023) 177-201. DOI: 10.4324/9781003372837-12

“Vert [vers] incalculable de la nuit”: Vers une éthique de la traduction de la poétique du vertigineux’, with Elizabeth Constable, in eds Roseanna Dufault and Janine Ricouart, L’importance de la poésie de Nicole Brossard dans le mouvement féministe international (Montréal: Les Editions du Rémue-menage, 2014), 177-200.

‘Bordering on Borders: Dream, Memory, and Allegories’ in Parallel Encounters: Culture at the Canada-US Border, (Wilfrid University Press, 2013), pp.311-334.

‘Constellation: Engaging with Radical Devised Dance Theatre: Keith Hennessy’s Sol Niger‘, in eds. Peter Lichtenfels and John Rouse, Performance, Politics and Activism, (Palgrave, 2013), pp. 132-153.

‘Preparing, Sharing and Eating Food in Panniqtuuq, Nunavut’, in ed. L. Hunter Food and Community, (University of Leeds, 2006), pp. 145-168.

‘Women in Science in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries’ in ed. J. Zinsser Men, Women, and the Birthing of Modern Science, (Northern Illinois University Press, 2005), pp. 123-40.

‘The Inédit in writing by Nicole Brossard: Breathing the skin of language’ in ed. L. Forsyth, Nicole Brossard: Essays on her works, (Montreal, Guernica, 2005), pp. 209-38.

‘FACE-WORK and Going to the End of the Line with Frank Davey’s writing’, in eds. C. Batt, E. Boehmer, and J. MacLeod, Axial Writings (Kunapipi, 2003), pp. 111-123.

‘Unruly Fugues’, in ed. P. Bowman, Interrogating Cultural Studies: Theory, Politics and Practice, (London: Routledge, 2003), pp. 233-252.

‘Technical, Domestic and Rhetorical Books, 1557-1695’, eds. D.F. Mackenzie and J. Barnard, A History of the Book in Britain, (Cambridge University Press, 2002), pp. 514-32.

‘Theatre Practice as a Guide to Textual Editing’, with Peter Lichtenfels, in eds. A. Thompson and G. McMullen, In Arden: Essays in Honour of Richard Proudfoot , (Thompson, 2002), pp. 138-56.

‘Seeing through the national and global stereotypes: British Theatre in Crisis?’, with Peter Lichtenfels, in eds. M. Delgado and C. Svich, Theatre in Crisis?: Performance manifestos for a new century, (Manchester University Press, 2002), pp. 31-53.

‘Persuasion’, in eds. L. Hunter, Ann Thompson et al., Reading Shakespeare’s Dramatic Language, (London: Thomson Educational, 2000), pp. 113-129.

‘Household Management and Food Texts, 1800-1900’, Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature, Volume 4, third edition, ed. J. Shattock, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), col. 2735-2754.

‘Feminist Thoughts on Rhetoric’, in eds. C.M. Sutherland and R. Sutcliffe, The Changing Tradition: Women in the History of Rhetoric, (Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 1999), pp. 237-248.

‘Introduction: Transversal Politics and Translating Practices’, with Cynthia Cockburn, in eds. C. Cockburn and L. Hunter, ;Transversal Politics, (London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1999), pp. 88-93.

‘The Values of Community Writing’, with Rebecca O’Rourke, in eds. C. Cockburn and L. Hunter, Transversal Politics, (London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1999), pp. 144-152.

‘“That Will Never Do”: Public History and Private Memory in Nineteen Eighty-Four and The Handmaid’s Tale’, in ed. Marta Dvorak, The Handmaid’s Tale: Margaret Atwood (Paris: Ellipses, 1998), pp. 19-29.

‘Sisters of the Royal Society: The circle of Katherine Jones, Lady Ranelagh’, in eds. L. Hunter and S. Hutton, Women, Science and Medicine 1500-1700 (Stroud: Sutton Publishing, 1997), pp. 178-197.

‘Women and Domestic Medicine: Lady Experimenters, 1570-1620’, in eds. L. Hunter and S. Hutton, Women, Science and Medicine 1500-1700 (Stroud: Sutton Publishing, 1997), pp. 89-107.

‘Standpoint Theory Approaches to Recent Canadian Autobiographical Text’, in ed. M. Dvorak, Autobiographies (Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 1997), pp. 67-76.

‘Women, Science and Medicine: Introduction’, with S. Hutton, in eds. L. Hunter and S Hutton, Women, Science and Medicine 1500-1700 (Stroud: Sutton Publishing, 1997), pp. 1-6.

‘Alternative Publishing in Canada’, in eds. L. Hunter, P. Easingwood, K. Gross, Difference and Community (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1996), pp. 35-57.

‘Bodily Functions in Cartesian Space’, in ‘Borderblur’ (Edinburgh: Quadrega and Edinburgh University Press, 1996).

‘Proliferating Publications’, fore. T. Jaine, in ed. C. A. Wilson, Luncheon, Nuncheon and Other Meals (Stroud: Alan Sutton, 1994), pp. 51-70.

‘Writing, Literature and Ideology’, in eds. P. Easingwood, K. Gross and W. Kloos, Probing Canadian Culture, (AV-Verlag, 1991), pp. 52-64.

‘Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Trends in Food Preserving: Frugality, Nutrition or Luxury’, in ed. C. A. Wilson, Waste Not, Want Not: Food Preservation (Edinburgh University Press, 1991), pp. 134-158.

‘Sweet Secrets: The Growth of a Genre’, in ed. C. A. Wilson, Banquetting Stuffe (Edinburgh University Press, 1986), pp. 36-59.

‘Painting the Lion: Feminist Options’, with L. Jeffries, L. Johnson, V. Jones, M. Reynolds, in eds. A. Thompson and H. Wilson, Teaching Women (Manchester University Press, 1989), pp. 75-87.


‘Performing Literatures: Handling the text’, with Ilya Noé, Performance Research Journal: Centennial Issue. 100 (December 2018) 50/50

‘Naming and Calling: Missing words’, On Names, Performance Research, 22:6, (2017) pp. 121-3.

‘Ethics, performativity, and gender: porous and expansive concepts of selving in the performance work of Gretchen Jude and of Nicole Peisl’, Palgrave Communications 2: Theatre and Performance Studies with Sociology (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), 2

‘Describing Performance’, in bp Nichol, ed. L. Emerson, Open Letter 13.5, (2008), pp. 115-32.

‘Daphne Marlatt’s Poetics: What is an Honest Man? and Can There Be an Honest Woman?’, Open Letter 12:8 (Winter 2006), pp. 143-68.

‘Equality as Difference: Storytelling in/of Nunavut’, International Journal of Canadian Studies, (Fall 2005), pp. 51-81.

‘Listening to Situated Textuality: Working on Differentiated Public Voices’, Feminist Theory, Special Issue: Gendering Ethics/ The Ethics of Gender, eds L. Hogan and S. Roseneil, 2:2 (August 2001), pp. 205-218.

‘Labour Notes’, with Susan Rudy, Open Letter, 10:8 (Spring 2000), pp. 94-104.
‘Science: An epitome of democratic politics’,Technostyle, 16:1 (Winter 2000), pp. 188-195.

‘The Socialisation of Context : Methodologies for Hypertext’, History and Computing 10:1-3 (1999), pp. 124-131.

‘Introduction to Critiques of Knowing’, parallax, 5:2 (1999), pp. 121-127.

‘Tea Drinking in England: Ceremony, Scandal and Domestic Bliss’, New Comparison, 24, (Autumn 1997), pp. 108-157. Nominated for the Sophie Coe prize 1999.

‘Kathy Eden, Hermeneutics and the Rhetorical Tradition: Chapters in the Ancient Legacy and Its Humanist Reception’, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 29:4 (Fall 1999), pp. 105-6.

‘Living Together: Critical Writing by Women in Canada 1994-1999’, International Journal of Canadian Studies/ Revue international d’études canadiennes, 20 (1999), pp. 232-256. L. Hunter: 232-244, S. Rudy 244-255.

‘Learning to Read Writing from Non-Ruling Relations of Power’, Zeitschrift fur Kanada-Studien, 18:1, eds. U. Kempf and R. Nischik (Augsburg: Verlag Dr. Wisner, 1998), pp. 114-128.

Naomi Zack, Bachelors of Science: Seventeenth Century Identity, Philadelphia, 1996; and Linda Lopez McAlister, ed., Hypatia’s Daughters: Fifteen Hundred Years of Women Philosophers, Bloomington, 1996, in Gender and History, 10:2 (August 1998), pp. 322-4.

‘The Puppeteer. Being Wedded to the Text’, Open Letter: Kroetsch at Niederbron, 9th Series, 5-6 (Spring-Summer 1996), pp. 199-218.

‘Ideology as the Ethos of the Nation State’, Rhetorica XIV:2 (Spring, 1996), pp. 197-229.

‘After Modernism, Alternative Voices: D. Brand, C. Harris, M. Philip’, University of Toronto Quarterly, 62:2 (1992/3), pp. 256-281.

‘On Native Ground’, British Journal of Canadian Studies, 5:1 (1990), pp. 141-43.

‘Becoming Women’, Canadian Literature, No. 122-3, (Autumn-Winter, 1989), pp. 198-199.

Narrative Strategies in Canadian Literature, ed. L. Hunter with C. A. Howells, (Milton Keynes, Open University Press, 1991), pp. 143.


The Nineteenth Century Project, Chadwyck Healey and the British Library, (1988-1999).

Victorian Periodicals Project, Manchester Metropolitan University, (1994-1996).

Creative Writing and Learning Journals, with Adult Continuing Education, (1994-1995).

Women in Early Modern Science and Medicine, Lecture Series for Gresham College, (1995-1995).

Women and Texts: International Research Conference organised, with University of Calgary (Canada) and the Université de Rennes II, (1996-1997).

Transversal Politics: Translating Words, research project with Professor Cynthia Cockburn, City University, London, (1997-1999).

MAMA: storytelling, with Somali refugees and Caribbean immigrants, (2003-2005).

Weihai LiShi Quan Fa, research project with College of Chinese Physical Culture and Chinese Wushu Association, (2003-2008).

Radio/Podcast Performances

‘Woman’s Hour’, presentations, 1988 (Radio4).
presentations, 1998 (Radio4).
presentations, 1999 (Radio4).
presentations, 2000 (Radio4).

‘Science and Women in the Seventeenth’, half hour show, 1998, (Radio4).

Auralia Salon (as primary speaker): on Politics of Practice, 2020

Computer and Microfiche Products

Database of Household Books published in Britain 1800-1914 (Famulus/Status), (1987).

Nineteenth Century Books on the Household, edited by L. Hunter for The Nineteenth Century Project at the British Library, (1992).

Victorian Periodicals Hypertext, with M. Beetham, K. Atkinson, A. Cole, (1995).

Selected Gresham College Lectures

Given while the professor of Rhetoric 1997-2000

Ethics and Biogenetics: consultation group chaired by Professor Mary Warnock.
Ethics and Government: Decency and Authority, with Peter Hennessey.
Ethics and Economics: Can Socialism Survive Global Capital? with Will Hutton.
Ethics and Journalism: Fact, Fiction or Spin? with James Naughtie.
Ethics, Business and Globalisation, with Rt Revd Richard Holloway.
Ethics and Nation: In the 21st Century, what are we Citizens of? with Sylvia Walby.
War and Peace: Dealing with Difference, with Cynthia Cockburn.
Difference and Community: Can We ‘Do’ Ethics or Is ‘Ethics’ Done to Us?

Major Invitations: Externally Funded Keynotes and Plenaries

2023 September: Keynote Series ‘Becoming a Critic Practitioner: Searching for the Gaps’, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas (UDFJC) Faculty of Arts (Academia Superior de Artes de Bogota – ASAB).

2022 April: Keynote Series with workshops, ‘What is your Material? Who is your Audience?’, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas (UDFJC) Faculty of Arts (Academia Superior de Artes de Bogota – ASAB)

2022 March: Keynote Series ‘Finding a Language for Practice as Research’, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas (UDFJC) Faculty of Arts (Academia Superior de Artes de Bogota – ASAB)

2022 January: Invited lecture ‘Who is your Audience? What is your Material?’ for the doctorate in Performing Arts, Simon Fraser University.

2018 February: Keynote lecture ‘Change and the Actor: Daoist approaches to understanding acting’, Freie Universität Berlin

1985: ‘Publishing History and Canadian Women’s Writing since 1945’, keynote to the Centre for Canadian Studies in Italy, Rome.

1991: ‘Poetry and Prose by Marlene Philip and Claire Harris’, keynote to the Commonwealth Institute Women Writers Conference.

1992: ‘The Poetics of Daphne Marlatt, Erin Mouré and Gail Scott’, keynote to the Commonwealth Institute Women Writers Conference.

1993: ‘Freud, Lacan and Feminism: Working on Reading’, invited lecture to the Critical Theory Seminar, University of Birmingham.

1993: ‘Household books and conversational rhetoric: Alternative voices for women’s studies’, invited lecture to the department of English Studies, University of Groningen.

1994: ‘Can a Man be a Feminist: Robert Kroetsch’s The Puppeteer’, to the Strasbourg conference on Canadian Literature, Strasbourg.

1994: ‘Ceremony, Scandal and Domestic Bliss’, invited lecture to the Conference on Food and Performance, Centre for the Performing Arts, Cardiff.

1995: ‘Domestic Medicine, 1570-1620: Lady experimenters’ and ‘Sisters of the Royal Society: the circle of Katherine Jones, Lady Ranelagh’, Gresham College London.

1996: Invited as the Dalhousie University Visiting Professor in Women’s Studies, lecturing on ‘Reading Canadian Women’s Writing’, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada.

1997: ‘Feminist Thoughts on Rhetoric’, invited lecture to the International Society for the History of Rhetoric, Saskatoon, Canada.

1997: ‘The Relation of Voices from Non-Ruling Ideology to Globalisation’, plenary to the German Association for Canadian Studies, Beilingries.

1998: ‘Anecdotal Evidence as Scientific Knowledge’, plenary to the Congress of Social Sciences and Humanities, Ottawa, Canada.

2000: ‘Mothers of the Royal Society’, keynote to the Metaphysics into Modern Science conference, Cinncinnati University.

2000: ‘Legitimising Differentiated Public Voices’, keynote to the International Conference on Ethics and Gender, University of Leeds.

2005: ‘What is an Honest Man, and Can there be an Honest Woman?’, plenary to the conference Poetics and Public Culture in Canada, University of Western Ontario.

2007: Keynote lecture series ‘Situated Aesthetics: the Particular and the Collaborative’, Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts, Spannochia, Italy.

Organization of Major Conferences

1993: Co-organised the International Conference ‘Moving Words, Moving Worlds: Commonwealth and Post-Colonial Literatures 30 Years Forwards’, University of Leeds.

1995: Seminar series ‘Women and medicine in the sixteenth to seventeenth centuries’, Gresham College, London.

1997: International Canadian Research Conference ‘Women and Texts/ Les Femmes et les textes: Languages, Technologies, Communities’, Leeds.

1999: ‘Translating Words: Translating Practices’, Gresham College, London.

2000: ‘Women and Community’, University of Leeds, with the Canadian High Commission.

Papers Delivered at Conferences

1980: ‘Nineteenth Century Cookery Books: Practical Texts and the Education of Women’, to the Symposium on Cookery Books, St Anthony’s College, Oxford.

1986: ‘Sweet Secrets: from Incidental Recipe to Book, the Growth of a Literary Genre’, to the Leeds Food History Symposium, University of Leeds.

1986: ‘Are Cookery Books Literature?’ to the Leeds University Adult Education Unit, Middlesborough.

1986: ‘Margaret Atwood’s Surfacing’, to the University of Dundee Seminar on Commonwealth Literature.

1990: ‘Canadian Black Women Writers’ to the Conference of the European Association for the Study of Commonwealth Literature, Lecce, Italy.

1991: ‘Critical Embarrassment with the Bios of Writing’, to a Conference on Autobiography at the University of York.

1991: ‘Dorothy Moore and the Hartlib Circle’, to the International Society for the History of Rhetoric, Baltimore, U.S.A.

1991: ‘Recent Women’s Poetry in Canada: Finding an Audience’, to the Conference ‘Borderblur: Canadian Poetry and Poetics’, at the University of Leeds.

1992: ‘Alternative Publishing in Canada’, to the Joint British and German Canadian Studies Association Biennial Meeting, University of Leeds.

1992: ‘Dorothy Moore: Rational and Prophetic Rhetoric in the Seventeenth Century’, to the Women’s Voices Conference, Liverpool University.

1992: ‘Proliferating Picnics: Specialisation in Cookery Books in the Nineteenth Century’, to the Leeds Food History Symposium, University of Leeds.

1992: ‘Dorothy Moore: Ciceronian and Ramusian Rhetoric in the Seventeenth Century’, to the Peace, Prosperity and Unification conference, Sheffield University.

1995: ‘Can a Man be a Feminist?’, performance piece, University of Calgary Art Gallery.

1995: ‘Representations of Gender: Ideology, Discourse and Desire’, Brock University, St. Catherine’s.

1995: ‘Standpoint Theory and Recent Autobiographical Writing’, conference on Autobiography, Rennes.

1995: ‘Can a Man be a Feminist’, Performance piece, University of Western Ontario.

1995: (invited lecture) ‘Sisters of the Royal Society: The Circle of Katherine Jones, Lady Ranelagh’, Gresham College London.

1996: ‘Women’s Studies: Writing and Reading’, Acadia University, Wolfville, Canada.

1996: ‘Can a Man be a feminist’, University of Toronto.

1996: ‘Standpoint critiques of aesthetics’, Manchester Metropolitan University.

1996: ‘Reading texts from the cultures’, EACLAS conference, Oviedo.

1996: (University of Calgary Fellowship Lecture) ‘A Domestic Critique of Western Metaphysics’, Calgary University, Canada.

1996: ‘Textual Ethics and the Computer’, HIDES, Southampton University.

1996: ‘Cooking the Books’, Trent University, Canada.

1996: ‘Trying Not to Be a Tragic Subject’, University of Nottingham.

1998: ‘Feminism, Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence’, conference on Gender and Technology, Gender Studies Centre, University of Leeds.

1998: ‘The Problem with the Feminist Studies of Science and its Gesture to the Arts’, History of Philosophy Seminar, University of Leeds.

1999: ‘Public Response to the Human Genome Project’, to the Conference on ‘Ethics, Genetics and Biotechnology’, chaired by Mary Warnock, London.

2001: ‘The Friar and the Apothecary: Dealing with Drugs in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet’, at the Thackray Medical Museum, Leeds.

2001: ‘Concepts of the Friend in the Early Sixteenth-Century’, to the International Society for the History of Rhetoric, University of Warsaw.

2001: ‘Storytelling in/of Nunavut’, to ‘Storytelling in the Americas’, Brock University.

2001: ‘The Rhetoric and Reality of Codes’ to an ESRC conference on Governance and Codes, with the University of Wales and RespectLondon.

2002: ‘Difference as Equality’, to University of Manitoba, Native Studies Department.

2005: ‘Situated Knowledge and Deliberative Democratic strategies: the Buddhist Poetry of Dapne Marlatt’, American Society for Canadian Studies, Saint Louis Missouri.

2006: ‘United States’ Perspectives on International Performance’, Federation Internationale Recherche Theatricale, Helsinki.

2008: Lecture series ‘Keywords for Visual Arts Culture’, Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts, Spannochia, Italy.

2012: February: Co-presenter ‘Body Materiality and Feminists in the Archive’, with Maria Scaroni, Mimeszentrum, Kunsthaus Bethanien, Berlin.

Related Experience

1986: Co-organised the Leeds Food History Symposium on ‘Banquetting Stuffe’, University of Leeds.

1986: On editorial board of Nineteenth Century Project, Chadwyck-Healey and the British Library.

1987: Organised visit of Canadian writer Alice Munro.

1988: Helped organise the Leeds Food History Symposium on ‘Provincial Foodpaths’, University of Leeds.

1989: Helped organise the Leeds Food History Symposium ‘Waste Not, Want Not: Food Preservation’.

1990: Organised reading by three Canadian writers, Bonnie Burnard, Lorna Crozier and Edna Alford.

1990: Organised reading by Canadian poets, Ayanna Black and Dore Michelut from their poetry ‘Linked Alive’.

1991: Co-organised the visit of Joan Clark to read at the Borderblur Conference on Poetry and Poetics at the University of Leeds.

1991: Organised reading by Scottish poet and playwright Liz Lochhead.

1991: Co-organised the visit of Carol Shields to read at the University of Leeds.

1992: Co-organised the Leeds Food History Symposium of ‘Nineteenth Century Meals and Mealtimes’.

1995: Organised exchange for Professor Janice Williamson, to visit Leeds and contribute to the work on Canadian Literature and on creative writing.

1996: Organised Ravenscroft Lecture at University of Leeds with writers Daphne Marlatt and Nicole Brossard.

1999: Organised visit of Janelle Reinelt, University of California Davis, to speak on ‘Staging Race on the American Stage, the art of Anna Deveare Smith’, November.

2003: Organised the Ravenscroft Lecture tour of Louise Profeit Leblanc and Ida Calmagane to Leeds, Birmingham, London and Southampton.